Wednesday, February 20, 2013


I was in the phillippines with parts of my family last year, late September and starting in on October, effectivly spending my birthday among palmtrees and lizards. Quite memorable! I haven't gotten around to editing some photos until now, so here's part one:
One of the paths leading up to our room. The resort, Coco Beach, wants to be a part of the forest/djugle, as much as possible and it is evident all through the the resortgrounds. Everything looks like this, full of nature!
Since my dad's pretty smart somtimes, he made sure to get us rooms with AC, wich meant cheap "suites". The room was rather cute though!
We even had our own little "yard"!

 Here's yours truely just sitting around for a bit, watching the water.
My birthdaycake - lovely in all its kitchyness, and unfortuntely it tasted horrible! But my birthday will get a ost of its own later.

One of two amazing poolareas  - the beach was not ideal for bathing so we speant a lot of time at the poolside, which is fine by me. I'm not terribly fond of bathing in the ocean since I got burned by a jellyfish once.

Quick little lizards zapped around everywhere!

On our first day at the resort I was mesmerized by these tiny crabs who were supercute and were fast a slightning! Tried catching one but sheepishly gave up rather quickly.

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